Heboh Salju Turun di Tanah Arab, Netizen: Apa ini Tanda Kiamat?

Salju di tanah Arab.
Sumber :

Ada juga yang menganggap salju di tanah Arab sebagai tanda-tanda kiamat.

Beberkan Kondisi Terbaru Tukul Arwana, Sule Ferdinan Digruduk Netizen

"Subhanallah, Allah is the greatest. He can do anything he wants. This is a sign for us to repent and worship him more," tulis netizen.

"Wow, this is amazing. I never thought I would see snow in Saudi Arabia. I wonder how cold it is there," tulis netizen lain.

Luna Maya Pose Seksi di Milan, Warganet Ngiler: Uuchh.. Si Cantik

"Waduh, ini gimana ceritanya? Salju di tanah Arab? Apa ini pertanda kiamat? Semoga kita semua selamat ya," tulis netizen.

"This is beautiful. Snow makes everything look more peaceful and serene. I hope the people there enjoy this rare moment," tulis netizen.

Dibully Netizen Gara-gara Pakai Hanbok, Aurel Hermansyah Malah Dipuji Atta Halilintar

"This is crazy. How can snow fall in such a hot and dry place? Is this global warming or something?", tulis netizen.